Pisces New Moon

Hello Beautiful,

You’re going deeper now into the mysterious potency of “the between.” Like the sign of the two fishes who swim in opposite directions, it’s equal parts disorientation and inspiration, dissolution and magic. And so is the lunar cycle that began with this morning’s Pisces New Moon.

This one is not the game-changer. It’s your invitation to become the game-changer — with all the energetic support you need to do exactly that. It starts with your own game, and the choices you're making each moment of each day. Where does it end? That's up to you — and your co-creative partner, the Great Mystery.

Just three hours after the new moon, the Sun unfurled a massive flare of Pisces-drenched stars tuff into the heavens. It was perfectly timed to stir up — and to transform — any lingering doubts you might have had lately. Doubts about whether anything you do really matters. About whether you have the ability to create something new. About whether you really are, not only a part of this world and this universe, but a vitally important one, supported by the Great Mystery at every step. 

Talking straight to your heart, and the synapses in your nervous system, our Star was saying this morning, This time matters and so do you. Be present. Pay attention.

This year is a cosmic creation master class

That wasn’t your standard, off-the-shelf Pisces New Moon. It was part of a seven-month trajectory of amplified intensity, taking you through a crucial creative process. The trajectory it’s part of is taking you from the past, whatever it was, to something else altogether — the very real process of imagining, creating, activating, exploring, and nurturing the future:

  • From encountering limits and constraints, and deciding to go past them (at January’s Capricorn New Moon) to

  • Envisioning new possibilities (at last month’s Aquarius New Moon), and then to

  • Dissolving old patterns and dreaming in new ones (at this Pisces New Moon), to

  • Breaking through resistance to the new in a way that re-sets your destiny (at next month’s Aries Total Solar Eclipse) and then

  • Grounding the new so it can grow (at May’s Taurus New Moon), and

  • Exploring its creative potential (at June’s Gemini New Moon) and

  • Nurturing it so that it can grow and thrive (at July’s Cancer New Moon).

Is our mission going to be completed in July? Not by a long shot. But it's essential to everything that will come afterwards. You're moving through a crucial turning point -- for your life, and the reason you're here. And also for our world. 

Every Pisces new moon ends an old cycle — and begins a new one. This year, that has special meaning. What we’re ending and beginning carries the power of the larger cycles that are coming to an end as we move deeper into global reality shift.

On the brink of reality shift

Here’s what’s really important to know about the next two years:

  • By May 3, Neptune, our pipeline to the realm of pure possibility, will be in the critical degree of Pisces -- and of the entire zodiac -- where the future is born. He'll be there all summer before retrograding back into 27° Pisces.

  • A year from now, in March 2025, Neptune will be back in the final sign of the zodiac's final degree. This time he'll be heading for 0° Aries, where everything begins anew — and on March 30, he'll get there. Two months later, in May 2025, Saturn will follow him. 

  • Saturn and Neptune — reality and the dream — will remain tightly (but not yet exactly) conjunct in Aries throughout the summer of 2025. And we will all see things that now seem impossible becoming true, just as we do every time these two conjoin.

  • In July 2025, Uranus will begin his passage into Uranus — and we'll experience all five core planets beyond Mars in the outwardly focused, expressive, and idealistic air and fire signs for the first time in decades. Where you're headed is nothing like anywhere you've ever been.

  • In February 2026, both Saturn and Neptune will make an exact conjunction in 0' Aries, the zodiac's first degree -- so potent it's the anchor point of the World Axis. These two, who change reality when they conjoin every 35–37 years, have not conjoined in this degree in over 2,000 years. You are on the brink of a shift into the new that we can only imagine -- and that we all must imagine. Please notice that I say “imagine.” Not control, or plan, or in any way dominate, for there would be nothing new in that. 

The reality shift chrysalis and the potency of now.

This is a critical time to release outworn patterns – to create the space in your mind and your heart for a new dream, of a co-creative world, driven by "the force that through the green fuse drives the flower," as Dylan Thomas so unforgettably put it, and empowered by macrocosmic reality shift. Every Pisces New Moon is that invitation.

Since 2011, though -- when Neptune, the Great Blue Dreamer who guides all that happens in the realm of those two fishes — came home, every Pisces New Moon has carried special power. This is a really good time to think back to 2011 and honor all that has left your reality — both personally and collectively — and all that has been created. You may be surprised by what the trajectories you’re now ready to recognize.

Today's Pisces New Moon, though, is extra. Like those of 2023 and 2025, the 2024 Pisces season is one that comes just once in 800 years. Saturn and Neptune — reality and the dream — are together in the dream fields. That hasn’t happened since 1525 and won’t happen again for 323 years. After today, we’ve only got one Pisces new moon left with both Saturn and Neptune. What dreams are you ready to bring into reality? The time to get serious about them is now. It’s time to pull out the stops.

The Pisces New Moon: infused with superpowers

This one has superpowers. It’s a bundle pattern, an intense amplification of the new moon energy that can transform something from stuck to grounded, creative – and drenched in aliveness. Containing all the core celestials within 120°, a bundle brings great strength and confidence — and also dramatically limits focus to a narrow area of your life. Make sure you know the bundle’s location in your birth chart. Look for the degrees between 1’ Aquarius (where Pluto is this morning ) and 19°53’ Taurus (where Uranus is). That’s where the cosmic energy is going to be focused until May 22. You’ll find things flow much easier — and far more powerfully — if you focus on these life areas, and let the rest take a back seat for now.

It’s a two-fold activation of “the magic of the middle.” The middle is where we can combine the two levels of reality --the actual, or the past, and the possible, or the future. Astrologically, all midpoints -- between planets in a birth chart or in the sky -- carry this magic. Extremely creative and ultra-sensitive, they are important tools of co-creation -- the Cosmos' way of saying to us, "your move, Grasshopper."

  • As the pivotal third of five bundle-pattern new moons, all in 20°, it’s inviting you to use the limitations you discovered in January and the visions you began to glimpse in February, to point your dreams towards the breakthroughs of April and the grounding of May. 

  • Very importantly, there’s a planet at the ultra-creative midpoint of this Pisces new moon bundle – the Messenger planet Mercury, who’s in o° Aries, the single most dynamic degree of the sky. Don’t underestimate the creative potency of the way you’re choosing to see things and communicate them. Intentionally choosing to experiment with seeing in new and ground-breaking ways is how you begin to blaze a new trail that starts right here, right now.

The power of your problems —
and of the archetypal adversary 

Whatever that trail is for you, it’s asking you to be very conscious about how you embody the good/bad dichotomy. Like me, you've probably noticed how dominant it's become in our consciousness and our culture as we’ve moved deeper into metamorphosis. That makes it especially significant that the Sun and Moon had a companion as they conjoined this morning – the Edge-Dweller Teharonhiawako, the "good brother" of Iroquois legend who had an "evil brother," Sawiskera.

These two embody the same archetype of polarity as Osiris and Set in Egyptian mythology, and Cain and Abel in Hebrew tradition. In both of those stories, one brother murdered the other — and in the Egyptian myth, the murder became the inception of a long process of transforming the polarity, and the culture it influenced. This new moon is asking us to take a very close look at how this same polarity is speaking to us -- and how we can play a part in its transformation in our world. 

How can you hold the tension between them in ways that allow you to own your problems – and your creative power to solve them — rather than disempowering yourself by projecting both onto others? Nothing is more vital to reclaiming your full sovereignty — which is why we’re encouraged at every turn to see our problems “out there,” to be conquered or dominated. Problems are built into the cosmic cycles. Every turning point — a square or an opposition -- brings one forth. They’re a way the Universe evolves — and the Universe isn’t only out there. It’s also within.

Just two weeks until the gates open into a powerful eclipse field

Today’s new beginning will culminate with the most potent of full moons — a lunar eclipse. It’s the first one we’ve had since April 2014, and it will be ten more years before we have another. The only one lunar eclipse in Libra while the South Node is clearing out your space of balance, relatedness, fairness, and creativity, it’s a key time for upleveling — and it’s two weeks away.

This is the lunar cycle that before April’s total solar eclipse in Aries — a destiny reset with beginnings. Every choice you make now is setting the stage for that re-set.

Receiving and nurturing: the vital medicine of the days ahead

It's been 12 hours, as I write these words, since Luna became new. All day long, though — and for the next three days — her new beginning, and yours, will be consolidating. Just like the egg that became you after it was fertilized, this new beginning has a critical task to complete — situating itself firmly in your energetic field so it can grow strong. 

With your attention and intention, you're nurturing that new beginning, and giving it the space, the encouragement, and the love that it needs — and by receiving the grace and blessing that’s being showered over you in every moment.

You're stepping into the Cosmic Mystery, a little deeper every minute. And so am I! Much is underway in Star Sister world — including a new website, as you may have noticed if you've tried to visit lately. It's a new framework for my work to support you and all our kindred spirits in the days, weeks, and years ahead — and in just a few more days, it will be up and running. 

You'll be the first to know about that — and also about an exciting opportunity I'm currently co-creating to support you in up-leveling your capacity to be a container for cosmic creation. Your full-strength capacity is so vitally needed by our beautiful world, and the universe she's part of. So watch your inbox!

With biggest love, and all the blessings of this blessed new moon,

Marcia, aka Star Sister